So I've neglected this blog for awhile for the past oh umm....2 weeks or so :(
So one of my clients (cough, cough Joan Sinclair, cough) decided to kick my ass in a polite way and remind me my original post about my current training programs I am on.
So here goes...
What has changed since then? Well my body for one. I'm doing a Next Level Training bodybuilding program done by Christian Thibideau (Of T-Nation fame and who by the way is one hugely ripped mofo).
What does the training entail? Well today I did my Monday workout and it went something like this:
A1. Decline bench press
6 sets
6 to 8 reps
no rest
A2. Decline DB flies
6 sets
10 to 12 reps
90 seconds rest
A1 and A2 are a superset
B1. T-bar rowing
6 sets
6 to 8 reps (squeeze peak contraction 2 seconds per rep)
no rest
B2. Bent over lateral raise
6 sets
10 to 12 reps
90 seconds rest
B1. and B2. are a superset
C1. Low incline (30 degrees) DB press
4 sets
6 to 8 reps
60 seconds rest
C2. Lat pulldown - torso bent 45 degrees back
4 sets
6 to 8 reps (hold peak contraction for 2 seconds)
60 seconds rest
C1 and C2 are performed in an alternate fashion (1 set of C1, 60 sec. rest, 1 set of C2., 60 sec rest., 1 set of C1., etc.)
D1. Cable-cross over
3 sets
12 to 15 reps (squeeze peak contraction for 2 seconds)
45 sec. rest
D2. Dumbbell shrugs
3 sets
12 to 15 reps (squeeze peak contraction for 2 seconds)
45 sec. rest
D1 and D2 are performed in an alternate fashion
This training program kicks my ass every single time I do it. Not only does it kick my ass but it actually makes me:
1) Swear at my weights like a drunk pirate
2) Sweat out of every pore of my body
3) Make grunts and screams like a silver back gorilla
What has this training program done to my body so far?
Well let's just say it refines the details a whole lot. I'm not a huge fan of bodybuilding programs but this one definitely works my muscles in a totally different way than ever before.
They say that the best training program is the one you are not one right now. I haven't done bodybuilding since my beginner days so this is a great change of pace for me.
Day two is tomorrow. Leg's day. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me want to puke.
I can't wait!
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