Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My lungs are on Fiyaaah

First day back playing basketball. Let's just say it wasn't pretty.

I felt like I smoked 10 packs of cigarettes and I was sucking so much wind that Paris Hilton would be jealous.

Obviously my basketball legs are not there yet.

Oh yeah and my body feels like it was beaten to death with a spiked club. I'm going to take a nice long bath with Epson salt, curl up into a little ball and fall asleep.

I can't wait until I get my foam roller back.

Self Myofacial Release here I come!


Transition Day 3 - So sore and my next 4 month diet/exercise plan

Alright I kinda like this feeling.

Have you ever worked out so hard that you felt that you couldn't get out of bed because your muscles were tight. Yeah that's how I felt getting out of bed.

My weight is surprisingly staying stable at 169 lbs in the morning. I would have thought water would have come back due to introducing carbs back into the system. I'm not complaining.

My internet and satellite were down last night so I had a lot of time on my hands. So I decided to plan out my next 4 months of diet/exercise because I'm cool like that.

So here is the plan for my next 4 months:

March 23rd - April 4th

Transitioning back into solid foods. Keeping within 1500 - 1700 calories.

Doing Chad Waterbury inspired workouts that were blogged about earlier.

April 7th to April 21st (Around the time I hit UFC Montreal)

Going to be going within 1300 - 1600 calories based on solid foods and protein shakes.

Using Christian Thibideaus Next Level Training bodybuilding program

April 28th to July 14th (Right before I hit Calgary for the stampede)

I'm going to do Alwyn Cosgrove's 12 week Afterburn 2 fat loss program. I will probably still be using the 1300 calorie to 1600 calorie fat loss equation but have not decided yet.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Transition Day 2 - Training Day 2

So here is what I did today:

4 sets of forward lunge with hammer curl for 7 reps with each leg
Rest 45 seconds between each set

- These burned my biceps more than I thought it would. Great complex exercise and a good one to start off with. It elevates body temperature and probably activates the nervous system a bit. It's also hard to do!

4 sets of dip for 7 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

- Working the chest and tri's next. Used a 50 pounder and pretty much went to failure on the last set.

4 sets of bent over row for 7 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of front squat for 6 reps

- One of the top 3 most hated exercises in my repetoire. I still have to find a medium where I can effectively hold the bar and not let my shoulders drop or choke myself.

3 sets of good morning for 6 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

2 sets of plank hold for 120 seconds
Rest 45 seconds between each set

Overall I had a great workout.

Then afterwards I had one of the most satisfying meals ever. Steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, baked sweet potatoes and baked chicken breast. Usually it tastes bland but today it was like heaven. Those taste changes are really kicking in and now what I considered the blandest foods on the planet taste amazing!


1st Transition day observations

So today was the first day of my transition back into foods. A lot of interesting things have come up.

- I had to stop myself from eating more after my first meal. I'm being careful about not binging and eating more than I should. I want this transition to further instill those healthy eating habits I have worked so hard to achieve.

- It seemed like I was cheating when eating my meal. I have to get used to this eating thing again.

- I did intervals for cardio and I was flying. I ran faster than ever before. Crazy.

Overall I know I still have to watch myself during the transition phase. It's only 14 days but I want to strengthen my great eating habits. I gotta focus.

So I started my day of training a day earlier due to client obligations and my Montreal trip in two weeks.

So here is what I did:

8 sets/3 reps/30 seconds rest

1. Chin ups - Bodyweight

- I don't know why but these were friggin tough. I did a 1.5 second contraction at the top of the lift but I still thought that I could at least stack on some weight. Alas I sucked at this one. I'll get better.

2. Power cleans - 90/90/90/100/100/110/110/110

- I just love this exercise. I want to get up to cleaning 130 pounds if not more before the transition is done.

3. Push and Presses - 90/90/100/100/110/110/110/110

- I knocked my chin on this one in the initial set, which caused my teeth to clang together. It was so hard I thought I knocked a tooth out. Everything is all there though. I just like to whine.

4. Side planks - 2 sets/90 seconds each

So the exercise program just gets harder. Not only harder but it is longer as well. I do these in straight sets with limited rest. I was driving home in a daze. I think the low reps boost my testosterone levels higher. Either that or I just get pissed off easily.


Transition day 1 - Assessment after 28 days

All subtractions are from the week before.


Weight - 186 lbs
Chest - 36.25 inches
Waist - 35 inches
Hips - 38.25 inches

4 weeks after

Weigh in - 168 lbs
Chest - 35.25
Waist - 31.00
Hips - 36.25

In Total 28 days later...

Weight = Minus 18 lbs
Chest = Minus 1 inch
Waist = Minus 4 inches
Hips = Minus 2 inches

For a fat loss program I would say that these are pretty good results to attain within only one month. From what I have read, the transition (if one properly) will actually burn more fat and help me lose more inches.

Overall I'm extremely impressed by my progress. I have never in my life been at this weight before. I don't expect to keep all of it off. I'm thinking there will be a 3 pound weight gain in water coming back into my system.

My abs are developing nicely but they are not where I want them to ideally be. I still have more work to be done but I have a great starting point to work from now.

This is not the ending. I believe it is just the beginning. I will be posting my transition on this blog as well as my future training endeavors.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

End of day and End of Diet

As I write this I am taking in my last shake of the day.

It has been 28 days, 140 protein shakes, 12 recovery shakes and countless numbers of fish oils, multi vitamins, Hot Rox Fat mobilizers, and fibre pills.

I feel like I have been on this diet for so long that I am at a loss of words.

I will have my final numbers posted tomorrow morning so we'll see how much progress I have made since the start.


Other people's observations and mine too of course!

Universal observations:

- They think I'm crazy for doing this
- My facial features are more drawn in. I lost some baby fat around the face.
- I got smaller. I get different reactions to this one. The girls think it's cool and make fun of me while the guys think it's unmanly and make fun of me.

NOTE: I would much rather be smaller and more cut than being a muscular fatty. But hey that's just me :)

- I have more overall definition. I guess that happens when you strip fat away from your body while keeping your muscle. Go figure.
- I'm a little more boring now that I don't drink alcohol. But hey we could all use one more designated driver no? As long as it's not my car. NOT DRIVING! (inside joke)

My Observations

- I get colder easily and I don't sweat as much. Was the lost fat my 15 pound insulator?
- Need new clothes. Mine don't fit. And I just bought a friggin suit in February! Yeah good problems indeed.
- Flexibility has increased due to the reduction in my gut. Crazy.
- Less lower back pain.
- Increased athletic performance? I have yet to test this out but I do feel lighter on my feet.
- Stronger mentality towards food/life in general.
- I think clearerer.
- Sleeping earlier. Waking up earlier.
- Distaste for weak ass excuses.
- Admiration for anyone that challenges themselves whether it be through fitness, business, personal, spiritual whatever...

What I would do differently next time:

- Go on some sort of clean bulking phase to gain muscle before doing the diet.
- Work my abs like crazy and build as much muscle as possible before V-Dieting.
- Put my peanut butter in a safe place away from me. I had to get my sister to keep the peanut butter away from me until the end of my night. Shit can get addictive when you don't eat for 28 days.



Okay I'll admit...

Yesterday I was going to just say "fuck it" and start my transition into solid meals. My friend asked me to play some bball and I was itching to shoot hoops so I rationalized in my mind that I needed a meal to have extra calories to burn.

Then I proceeded to BITCH SMACK myself across the face and refocus on finishing what I started.

It's so damn easy to just fall off the wagon especially when you are 2 steps away from reaching your goal. BEWARE!

Today is my last day and it feels good. Assessment tomorrow and two week transition into solid meals starts. I already did some shopping for:

- Spices (helloooo Mrs. Dash. If Mr. Dash only knew what I have planned for you...)
- Chicken and turkey sausage (insert joke here)
- Supplements (more protein, protein bars, surge, fish oil, cla, milled flax etc..)
- Olive oil pam spray
- Those ziploc steaming bags

What has this diet done so far?

- 17 pounds lost so far. Probably 3-5 pounds of water. The rest is fat. DAYAMMMNN.
- 34 inch waist to 32 (31?) inch waist.
- I used to love beer. Now I could care less for it.
- Used to love chocolate and potatoe chips. Now I have the will to resist the temptation.
- Instilled healthy eating habits. Now steamed veggies with chicken feels like a cheat meal to me.
- I drink the amount of water I should be drinking now.
- I can schedule my meal times and write in a food journal without feeling like it's boring and tedious. I actually want to continue this for the next month or so.
- I have no more room for excuses, rationalizations, and justifications. One client told me that we need them (excuses). I said in a very nice way, "Fuck that. I don't need that weak shit."

I have a lot more but it's just not coming to me. This diet has been a physical, mental and spiritual journey all rolled up in 28 days. You learn a lot about yourself and life around you when you put your feet to the fire and really focus in on a goal.

You think you would know but you have no idea until you actually do it.

I'm not done yet though. I have a two week transition and I'm still going for that killer cover model body. I have a couple goals in mind right now that would pretty much blow anyone away and make them think I'm crazy sauce. But like they say....

"A finished person is a boring person."


Friday, March 21, 2008

How in the hell.....

I was just reading my past blog posts and there is one thing I keep on asking myself:


Madness I tell you....madness.....


Day 25555555555

Only a few more days of this diet....

When people reach the end of the diet sometimes they ask if they can actually stay on it even longer....

I am not that person.

I want to be done with this and move onto the transition as quickly as possible. The diet is easier on my body and my mind but I yearn to be a normal person again.

A month is definitely enough for me. More than enough.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 24

Morning weigh in = 167.4 lbs

I'm already in the process of planning out my entire workout/diet plan after my transition.

I'm extremely hypercritical of myself and even though the results are GREAT, I am left unsatisfied. They say an finished person is a boring person and I think I fit that description perfectly.

My thoughts are turning this blog into an actual training diary. I love to use the programs of other Fitness Experts to understand where they are coming from in terms of how they develop their programs.

I have already tried:

Mark Verstegen's Core Performance program
  • For Advanced exercisers and mainly targeted towards athletes

Alwyn Cosgrove's - Afterburn 1 fat loss training program
  • Fat loss training for Advanced exercisers.

Craig Ballantyne's - Turbulence Training extreme fat loss program
  • Fat loss training for Beginner Exercisers (recommended for almost all my clients)

Chad Waterbury's - HFT program (part of it)

Upcoming will be Christian Thibideau's Next Level Training bodybuilding program.

I want to be jacked in a cover model type of way. I'm going to keep persisting until I get there. Then I'll find another thing to challenge myself with ;)


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2nd last day of the training program

Just did my workout a half hour ago and for some reason it was one of the hardest. No energy. I had to reduce reps on a couple of exercises. I'm overall pissed off with my performance today.

I thought this program would get easier as time goes on but it just gets harder:

Dumbbell lunge w/shoulder press
Dumbbell hang cleans
Dumbbell rows

Close grip bench press
Standing barbell curl
Front squat

Planks 1:30min X 2

Horrible showing today. I will make it up on Friday.


Day 23

Okay so I have to go out and get new clothes now. I'm going to wait until after my transition but my pants don't fit proper, my shirts and sweaters all look baggy on me now.

I'm not complaining. 5 more days to go and each day seems like it is going by a little slower than usual. I'm just anticipating being released from this food prison.

Don't get me wrong. If given a choice I would definitely do this all over again. This has quite literally changed my life and the way I feel about food.

I've also acquired a disdain for excuses, rationalizations and justifications. So when talking to me don't even bother using them. I'll recognize it right away. I'll probably call you on it too.

5 more days.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 22

I looked in the mirror today and liked what I saw. My weight is stable at 170. My abs are rounding into shape and I have finally gotten used to the diet.

Not much to say here. I still have 6 more days to go then the two week transition. I'm already planning what I am doing after the transition.

I've been using Chad Waterbury's current exercise program and I will be using his transition exercise program as well.

Up next I will be trying out Christian Thibideau's bodybuilding program. My first impressions upon seeing the program was "This stuff is on some next level shit."

I can't wait!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 21 - Assessment for Week 3

One more week of this $hit....

All subtractions are from the week before.


Weight - 186 lbs
Chest - 36.25 inches
Waist - 35 inches
Hips - 38.25 inches

One week after:

Weight - 178.6lbs minus 7.4lbs
Chest - 35.5 inches minus 0.75 inches
Waist - 33.25 inches minus 1.75 inches
Hips - 37.25 inches minus 1 inches

Two weeks after:

Weight - 175.4 lbs minus 3.2 lbs
Chest - 36.25 plus 0.75 inches
Waist - 33 - 0.25 inches
Hips - 37.25 same

Three weeks after:

Weigh in - 169.4 lbs minus 6 lbs
Chest - 35.5 minus 0.75 inches
Waist - 31.25 minus 1.75 inches
Hips - 36.5 minus 0.75 inches

I don't know what is going on but I think my measuring skills need to be improved. The weight doesn't lie though. Down 6 lbs from the 2nd week is pretty cool considering I thought that I lost the bulk of my weight in the initial week.

The shape in my abdominals is finally coming around. I reviewed my pictures from the very beginning to yesterdays photo's and I was impressed. Satisfied? No. Impressed? Yes.

Last night was a little challenging. I had to go to my friends kids 4th birthday and a lot of people were trying to tempt me to cheat on my diet. Either that or making fun of me. Little do they know that things like that drive me to finish off what I started.

When you start to get criticized and people start to challenge you, you can do one of two things:

1. Lay down and quit what you are doing.


2. Use it as fuel to finish strong.

I choose to do the latter. It's a known fact that once people start to criticize and try to steer you off course with their comments it means that you are on the right track. These are just things you have to deal with.

One more week to go. 7 more friggin days.

I've made it this far.

I might as well finish strong.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

V-Diet Transition

I'm going to follow the transition just like Chris did in his Physique Clinic:

For some reason, as I write down these steps I'm thinking of the New Kids on the Block song "Step by Step.....Ooooo baby" Like...ohmygod...

Step One

3 - 5 days will be a solid meal day. I will have this meal most likely at lunch to avoid any nighttime binge eating.

Step Two

5 - 7 days of two to three solid meals a day. I will do the bookend option that Chris suggested where I start my days off with a shake and end them off with a shake. So it will look like this:

Meal 1 - Shake
Meal 2 - Lean turkey wrap
Meal 3 - Steamed veggies with Chicken breast
Meal 4 - Bak Choi with baked salmon
Meal 5 - Shake

Step Three

Only having one shake a day. I will have this shake at night to avoid any extra nighttime calories. It's also good to have this one at night due to the slow releasing protein that Metabolic drive has in its protein shakes.

The V-Diet Transition workout by Chad Waterbury

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


8 sets of chin-up for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of power clean for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of push press for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of side plank hold for 90s
Rest 45 seconds between each set

Note that unlike the previous phase, these are straight sets. You'll perform all 8 sets of chins for example before moving to the power cleans.


4 sets of forward lunge with hammer curl for 7 reps with each leg
Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of dip for 7 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of bent over row for 7 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of front squat for 6 reps

3 sets of good morning for 6 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

2 sets of plank hold for 120 seconds
Rest 45 seconds between each set


4 sets of dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of neutral-grip dumbbell shoulder press for 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of wide-grip pull-up for 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds between each set

4 sets of feet-elevated push-up for 12 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of back squat for 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds between each set

2 sets of reverse crunch on slant board for 12 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

Day 20

It sounds ridiculous but I'm not satisfied yet.

I have lost an incredible amount of weight but that doesn't matter to me. The reason I did this whole diet was to get incredible abs and I don't feel that I have that yet.

After this journey is done I still have more work to do. People ask me if I would do it again and my response is YES.

I would have done things a little differently but all in all I am pretty psyched by how good and quick the results came. I still have one more week to go so I expect to see better results. Even after this week is done I have a two week transition into solid foods. I'll post my plan on Monday.

After that two week transition I have a couple options available to me. My gut is telling me to start a mass building program. Not in terms of dieting but in terms of my workouts. Maybe I'll do another high intensity fat burning program.

I just bought Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn 2 program so maybe I'll do that after. Who knows?

I'll figure it out when I get there ;)


Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 18 - WAKE UP and Life is happening

Morning weigh-in: 171.6 lbs

Life is happening. Challenges are occurring. There really is no way to avoid the things that life throws your way. You have decisions to make on a constant basis and you have to always evaluate what is important.

Right now life is happening to me. I'm still going to stay strong with the diet. No buts or excuses.

By the end of next week I should be down to the high 160's range and then I get to transition back to solid foods. I'm over the hump so to speak and I'm just being a machine the whole way through till the end.

In the next couple of days I will post my transition plan back to solid foods. From what I have read and researched it seems that I will gain back a few pounds of water weight but lose more fat in the process. I'm not sure how that works out but I'm eager to find out.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 17

Late post. Internet was down.

I'm still strong with the shakes and not to get too into detail but a lot of things are happening within a matter of a day. I still intend to stick with this diet until the end. Life happens and mine is no different than others.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Observation #1

I think the customer service people at my gym don't recognize me anymore. Maybe it's due to the loss of fat from my face.

Observation #2


Observation #3

It's getting colder now that I don't have fat to insulate my body. Next time I ever do this diet I will make sure it's during the spring time. This winter doesn't help one bit. Damn you Canada!

Observation #4

If you can go through this then everything else seems smaller and more achievable by nature. I'm going to do a blog post on physical transformation and the effects it has on your psyche. I've seen it happen with my own eyes and I'm going through it right now.

Observation #5

I shot hoops yesterday for my NEPA at the Y. I didn't go full speed but I noticed that I was a little more explosive than usual. My vertical has gotten a little higher. My shot is going in consistently for some reason. Is this all in my head??

Mind you that I just shot hoops, dribbled and practiced layups so I wasn't playing a full game. But with the loss of 13 lbs of fat I expect to be a little more athletic than I was before. I mean it's 13 lbs! Maybe just a little tiny bit....

I wonder what will happen when I play beach volleyball this year? Hmm....

Observation #6

My abs are not where I want them to be yet. I foresee that even after this diet is done, I will have a lot more work to do if I want them to be at my goal level. I'm not conceding anything yet but I know I have more work to do.

At least I have a head start on things :)


Ps. I will be training myself today. I feel so bad for my clients. They have to feel my wrath!

Day 16 - WAKE UP - Training day

Alriiiighty then....

Starting weight today = 172.6 lbs

Although I have lost more weight than I originally wanted to it doesn't bother me one bit. I have still retained my muscle mass so in effect I don't end up looking small and waify. I still look the same size except just more cut and defined.

I'm thinking that by the end of this I will be hitting the high 160's and during the transition I'll probably gain back another 3-5 lbs of water weight.

From what I read about the transition back into solid foods it looks like I'll actually lose more fat in the two week process. I'll be upping my calories but from the accounts of others who have been on this diet it seemed that they all lost more fat.

I'm not entirely sure how that works out. By the end of this week I will be planning out my transition so I'll be sure to find out more.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Third week is the week of complacency

Okay so the 1st week was easy. The diet was fresh and apart from some blunders on my part I was pretty strong.

The 2nd week was the week of cravings. I had to battle my thoughts of food the whole week and by the end of it I came out stronger.

The 3rd week is the week of complacency. I have seen good results. I like my progress. I'm feeling somewhat accomplished for making it this far.

Now my thoughts are "I've gone this far. It's okay to have one more cheat meal." and "Just one bite wouldn't hurt. I've lost 11 lbs already, I deserve it."

I think it's about time I give myself a healthy dosage of "Shut the hell up." If you hear yourself saying the same things then I give you permission to do the same.

Once we start hitting our goals we get a little comfortable and weak thoughts enter our mind. I have to kick my own ass and remember that what I'm doing is not done. I have to finish strong. The cravings I can deal with. I just have to recognize my rationalizations and stay strong on the course.

I'll just shut the hell up now.


Day 15 - WAKE UP - Sore and loving it

This is getting a little easier as time goes on. I'm on the third week now and when I woke up I was wickedly sore from my workout yesterday. The abs are rounding into shape and I'm keen to see what they will look like at the end of this journey :)

No training today. Just NEPA.


Monday, March 10, 2008

End of day post - Training day

Training days are getting a little better. I'm not as cranky as I was last week and I even trained an extra client to boot. I'm excited by the results I'm getting on this diet but I'm not where I want to be yet.

I have another two weeks to go but surprisingly I'm getting stronger as time goes by. Would I recommend anyone to do this diet? Only if you are VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS about getting results.

There are also a lot of factors involved like medical conditions, psychological conditions and training. How strong is the motivation? How strong is your will? How much support do you really have? How can you handle setbacks? Are you honest with yourself? Are you ready to live a healthy lifestyle?

A lot more questions to ask. I don't have that time right now.

Dan John said it best, "An insane diet for insane people."


Day 14 WAKE UP and Assess


Weight - 186 lbs
Chest - 36.25 inches
Waist - 35 inches
Hips - 38.25 inches

One week after:

Weight - 178.6lbs minus 7.4lbs
Chest - 35.5 inches minus 0.75 inches
Waist - 33.25 inches minus 1.75 inches
Hips - 37.25 inches minus 1 inches

Today (two weeks after)

Weight - 175.4 lbs minus 3.2 lbs
Chest - 36.25 plus 0.75 inches
Waist - 33 - 0.25 inches
Hips - 37.25 same

Okay 3.2 more lbs lost. I think I need to work on my measuring skills because I gained in my chest but I know for sure I lost. It just looks flatter. Waist measurement good. Hips are the same.

Two more weeks to go. I'm getting used to the diet and my mind is getting stronger. Workout day is today so I'll keep you all posted on my progress.


Ps. Do not watch 10,000 B.C. It was horribly bad.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is actually getting easier....

11 lbs in two weeks. I'm at my goal weight of 175 and I'm pretty sure there is more to go. There is two more weeks left on this diet and I feel that my body and mind are getting used to it.

I'm not going to say that I don't get my cravings but they are becoming less harder to deal with. Not only that but I'm not craving crap foods. Steamed vegetables and a lean steak seem like heaven to me at this point.

People may ask, "You don't want pizza/chips/chocolate etc.. Is that any way to live your life?" Why do we crave such crap in the first place? I have come up with several reasons:

1. You are bombarded with advertisements about shit food ALL THE TIME that it you just turn off your brain and accept the message. It becomes hypnotic.

2. We eat because of emotions. Boredom is one. Stress is another. Fun and being socially acceptable is another as well. If you don't eat crap with your friends then you become a sort of social outcast. It dates back to the caveman days when we were all in tribes. No one wants to be socially outcasted from their groups. If you were not a part of a tribe and were outcasted then you might as well have died.

3. Once you decide to live a healthy lifestyle there will be others who want to pull you back into their own unhealthy ways out of fear. We call these people toxic. Stay away from these people as far as possible.

There are much more but you get the point. Once you decide to live a certain way and make positive changes there will be situations and people that are going to be challenging. The only thing you gotta do is know you are on the right path and keep going.

Eventually all the things that seemed to challenge you will go away because you have grown past the point of caring about all the little things. The goal is most important and it should always be that way.


Friday, March 7, 2008



People are noticing the fat loss from my face.


Water is a snackers best friend. Usually when I am bored I snack...a lot. Now because I am under strict eating guidelines I have learned that when I was bored I would snack on something. Now I grab for my water instead of extra calories.

My body and mind are getting used to being on this diet. I'm not suffering as much. I only have two weeks and a bit more to go! Solid meal on Sunday!


Day 12 WAKE UP!

Morning weigh in - 176 lbs

So I officially dropped 10 lbs since I started the diet. The initial part of the diet is where I expected to lose the most weight and I was correct. Now the weight loss is slowing down (thank god!) and I suspect that I will lose a pound or two per week. I expect these pounds to come off in my trouble areas.

Mirror test

I'm finally getting a nice shape in the abdominals. The lower abs seem a little stubborn but the upper part is defining nicely. I'm not halfway done the diet yet so I'm excited to see what the final results are.

So far so good!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day 11 WAKE UP!

Weight is stable. Had my 8 hours yesterday and I'm feeling alright. Non training day today so I should be okay.

Sunday is solid meal day. I'm also there.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

End of day - It's gonna be okay

Keeping this short and sweet: This is not easy.

This journey is not hard either. It's just that...a journey. I'm learning new things about myself each day.

We all gotta do things in our lives to challenge ourselves and see what we are made of. This is just my way of challenging myself. The thing about challenges is that after you are done: The rewards are sooo worth it.


Training = Hardest thing ever

Before I even got out of my house to hit the gym I was met with a (1)HUGE pile of snow behind my car. Thank you so-called "snow plowers".

20 minutes later...

Alright I warm up my car and realize (2) I didn't put gas in there. Pit stop at the gas station to fill 'er up.

Then I hit the gym and I feel a (3) tummy ache. Awww poor baby. Want a wittle diaper? Whatever...I push ahead. I'm here anyways.

Why am I putting numbers behind these situations? Because I could have used any three of them as an excuse to not hit the gym.

I could have said, "Oh I'll just train tomorrow."

But no. I just went ahead and did it. I'm not giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done. I'm using this example to say that all excuses, rationalizations, and justifications are useless. If you really wanted it you would do it.

I've seen people drive in winter storms just to go partying on a weekend. Hell, I was one of them. But a little soreness, a little tiredness from their job and a favorite TV show is what stops people from taking care of themselves consistently. I don't buy into this. Neither should you.

Okay I'm done ranting for the day.

Training sucked. I was sucking wind the whole way through. I was "weak sauce" with the weights and I had the worst looking Face after each set. A face that said, "Are you kidding me???? 1 more circuit of this #%$#^%#?!?!?"

I'll be honest: I'm cranky as hell.

Only 18 days 8 hours and 23 minutes left of this diet ;)


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 10 WAKE UP! Training day.....this should be interesting

I had an amazing sleep last night. I stopped taking ZMA's because they were making me wake up in the middle of the night. I wouldn't be able to sleep for another hour after waking. No sleep makes me a very cranky man.

Alright so here is what I have planned:

This workout's progression is to add one more rep to each exercise.

Mobility drills and light warm-up of all exercises.

A1) Dumbbell press with forward lunge 5@25lbs

Rest 30 seconds

A2) Dumbbell hang clean 5@60lbs

Rest 30 seconds

A3) 1-arm dumbbell row 5@80lbs

Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 circuits

B1) Close-grip bench 5@170lbs

Rest 30 seconds

B2) Standing barbell curl 5@90lbs

Rest 30 seconds

B3) Front squats 5@140lbs

Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 circuits

2 sets Planks for 1:15min

Like I have stated before training days are usually the most trying. So I'm going to modify my shakes and take two before I hit the gym. Hopefully this has a positive effect on my energy.

Thanks again to everyone for the support while I go through this crazy journey. The support is much appreciated.


Ps - Excuse of the day: It's snowing heavily outside. I'm cold. I need a hug. Now that I got that out of the way...

Observations: Training days are hard to deal with and I can't seem to keep my pants on

Observation #1

I realized that the days I train myself are the days I feel it the most.

Modification: I'm going to start taking in one extra shake before I train so my body can have more of a calorie surplus to burn from.

I'm going to take my recovery shake before then after my workout. I was taking it during and it didn't help one bit.

We'll see how these mods work out.

Observation #2

If you read too much into the headline then SHAME ON YOU. Pleeeeease get your mind out of the gutter. A little maturity please?!?

My pants seem to be getting really loose on this diet. I have to tie my jogging pants extra tight and pull in one extra notch on my belt for the jeans.

Like I tell my clients when they lose weight: Having to buy new clothes is a GOOD problem to have.

End of day. The easiest part of this diet is waking up and going to sleep.


The Grind

So this is where I am.

The first week was somewhat a breeze. The diet was new and fresh. The shakes were tasty and I was starting a new workout program. So motivation was at an all time high.

Now is the Grind.

Initial motivation wears off. I am turning into a machine. Drink water, take vitamins, drink shake, rinse, repeat. This is the part where i just have to dig in and just do it. I have to become a mindless robot keep on moving forward. Sounds fun eh?

Thank god I have people to be accountable to. Who? Well if you are reading this blog then YOU are the person I am accountable to. It's easier to handle doing this if I know that I will be a complete failure in the eyes of my readers by not following through till the end. So I thank you for that.

They say the 2nd week of the V-diet is the hardest. I'm not ready to admit that. I'm just going to grind away.


Ps. My sister is such a damn good cook. Staying away from the kitchen is priority #1 today.

Day 9 WAKE UP!

So far so good :P

Yeah I know I just woke up and haven't even had my first shake but I'm feeling better than yesterday already. That day is behind me and I feel that today is going to be a good day.

I trained my body hard yesterday and I feel it. It seems that my hardest days are the days that I strength train my body. Non training days are a breeze compared to training days.

Here's what I did: 3 reps each/7 circuits

Lat pull ups @ 20lbs
Overhead Squats (these are a bitch and a half) @ 100lbs
Dips @ 60lbs

Side plank holds for 1:10 each side.

I've reworked my days so that my training days are the days that I am usually at home with clients. When I'm not traveling all over Toronto it makes it easier on my mind and my will by just being at home.

First shake is in half an hour. Keep y'all posted.


Monday, March 3, 2008

End of day post - Tough day....

Alright...this ain't easy.

Took the actual recommended dose of the fat mobilizer and didn't like it. Not to mention that I had to train a lot of clients today. I think due to this diet I'm training them a little harder. LOL!

I actually shot some hoops today for my NEPA. I didn't play or run. Just shot the ball and it was hella therapeutic. I was having a really tough day until I shot the ball and took my mind off of this diet.

It's not so much that I'm hungry. It's the mental warfare I play with myself on a day to day that takes a toll at times. After these 28 days are over I will be tougher than I ever have been in my life. This diet not only changes your body. It changes your life.

I heard that if you can go through these 28 days you can accomplish anything in life. I'm beginning to understand. I have a new found disrespect for excuses. I don't like them. I hate them even more when I hear myself try and use them.

I have a lot of excuses as to why I should just get off of this diet. All of them are weak. Each day bring something different so I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.

It could be easier. It could be more difficult. Either way I'll be ready.

And it's only the start of the 2nd week....Sheesh I'm such a whiner :P


Changing programs = A big waste of time

When I'm asked about the diet and I give the instructions I am following I usually get: "If I did this do I have to strength train?", "Can I add in one meal a day?", "Hey Dan: Why are you so damn sexy?"

Okay so the last one I made up.

Any time we do a program that is proven to give results we all want to make our own modifications to make it our own. In other words: Make it easier on ourselves.

If a program was designed to GUARANTEE that you lose 15lbs of fat only if you follow it's strict guidelines why would you want to change it? Now I can understand there are special cases such as:

- Professional athletes modifying to fit their sport and training needs
- People with existing medical conditions (who really shouldn't be trying anything so drastic in the first place)

I want to do this exactly as it is outlined. I was making excuses about not doing the half hour NEPA walks before but now I'm not. I am going to do this exactly the way it was outlined. That is the only way I can see if it works or not.

This is not a post for those people asking me questions. I love the curiosity and I love it when people ask questions!

The is a post for me. I was thinking "Fuck walking half an hour 5 days a week. That shit if boring and ineffective. I would much rather be blogging and watching TV. How many calories can I really burn by just walking anyways?"

I am re-dedicating myself to doing whatever is outlined in this plan. No excuses. No weakness. No more swearing.

If you get a program that is guaranteed to get your results follow it exactly as it is outlined. Don't make concessions and don't make excuses as to why you want to change the program. Be honest. You want to change it because you don't want to do what is necessary to be successful. You want to change it because you are lazy and not serious enough to hit your goals. You want that quick fix with the least amount of effort on your part.

I'm going to follow this to the dot on the "i" and the cross on the "t". That is the only way I can expect to see the BEST results.


Ps. I only did 2 days of NEPA during that last week. Imagine if I did the full 5 days. Would I have lost 11lbs of fat instead of 9lbs? I can't get that time back. I can only move forward and kick my ass in the right direction.

Day 8 - 1st week in the Books - Measurements


Weight - 186 lbs
Chest - 36.25 inches
Waist - 35 inches
Hips - 38.25 inches

One week after:

Weight - 178.6lbs minus 7.4lbs
Chest - 35.5 inches minus 0.75 inches
Waist - 33.25 inches minus 1.75 inches
Hips - 35.25 inches minus 3 inches first impressions are: Wow.

The funny thing is almost everyone I haven't seen in one week is asking me if I lost weight. I would say a portion of the loss would be water but not a whole lot.

The most exciting part is losing the inches. I never really cared about the weight. The inches is important factor when approaching any weight loss program. I lost almost two inches from my waist (I can notice this especially in my pants) and THREE inches from my hips. My ass is getting smaller!

In my mind I am a little apprehensive about going further on this diet only due to the fact that I'm almost at my goal weight and inches. But the only way to fully understand the whole process is to finish the whole 28 days and 2 weeks transition period.

I'm done week 1. On to week 2!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

To those new to this Blog - An outlined plan

Okay so here is a quick recap of what I'm doing:

I'm using Chris Shugart's rapid fat loss V-Diet plan.

It requires me to:

- Eat ONLY ONE meal a week

- 3 days strength training using a Chad Waterbury inspired full body workout

- 5 days of NEPA (Non exercise related physical activity) which is walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes. I will substitute doing light basketball shooting drills for my NEPA on Monday's because walking is boring to me.

- Drink 5 (6 on weight training days) high quality protein shakes a day. Spread apart every 3 hours.

- Take in 21 or more grams of fibre through pills and flax seeds

- Taking in other vitamins such as Essential fatty acids, multivitamins

- Use a fat mobilizer/fat burner called Hot Rox in the morning and 6 hours later

- Drink lots of water

- Essentially go on a caloric deficit so the equation is as goes:

(10.2 X bodyweight +879) X .50 = Non training day calories
(10.2 X bodyweight +879) X .60 = Training day calories

So I'm going on 1400 calories on normal days. 1700 calories on weight training days.

I am on day 8 of my 28 day journey. I will be posting on this blog regularly to post observations while being on this liquid diet.

Reasons for doing this:

1) To look leaner than I ever have been ever in my life and achieve rock hard six pack abdominals for the first time ever
2) To experiment and see how my body/mind/spirit reacts to this diet and if it is a diet I would recommend
3) To break my bad dietary habits forever (sweet tooth, alcohol consumption, salty foods)
4) To challenge myself mentally and physically in a way I have never done before.

I would recommend that you read this blog from the very beginning and work your way from there. There is a lot of physical and psychological things I am going through that you have probably encountered in the past but you have just not known about it.

If you are really sadistic you can hear me whine, bitch and complain about how tough this diet is.

Good luck to me but really: Luck has nothing to do with it.


Solid Meal Day - Observations and Conclusion

A lot more subdued than I thought it would be.

Big thanks to the chef (you know who you are) for the salmon with veggies and brown rice. I should have taken a picture of the beautiful meal. Next time!


- I wasn't looking forward to it as much as I was before. I could have gone without it. But I gotta stick with the plan.
- Taste and smell were enhanced.
- I don't have a big need for sauces that I used to have. This salmon and veggies was slathered in a tomato sauce with a bunch of other things in it. I had to use my fork to take off the heavy sauce because I couldn't handle it.
- My stomach shrank. I usually could go more rounds but I could barely finish the salmon.
- I now know the difference between being satiated and being full. After this meal I was full. After my shakes I have just enough to get satiated and I don't get that tired feeling afterwards.


- We usually eat to the point where we are FULL and can't move. You really don't need that much food to have a satisfying meal.
- Sauces mask the true taste your food. No disrespect to the chef because this is more of a realization than anything else. My next meal is going to be Filet Mignon with steamed veggies at the Keg (free advertising). I will not use any sauce at all and taste what the steak truly tastes like.
- I have a true appreciation for vegetables now. I actually stated that I could see myself being a vegetarian after this diet. But really: I'm a man and I love meat. I COULD be a vegetarian but I don't want to be.
- I don't want deserts anymore or any other type of junk foods. Thinking about them kinda makes me a little sick. Will this stay after the diet? I hope so.

Btw when I got home it was feeding time but I actually had to stop myself from eating another meal. My body and mind have gotten used to this thing called eating for the past 28 years. I don't expect that to stop.

21 days and 6 hours left.


Regular Questions and comments

"Are you doing your body more harm than good?"

No I'm actually eating healthier than the average Canadian and getting in the exact amount of feedings I should be getting.

"Are you crazy??"

Yeah kinda. But in a totally healthy way ;)

"Can I do this?"

No. I want to go through it first to fully understand what is happening on a day to day basis. I want to test myself before recommending it to anyone.

"Is it healthy?"

I can't say yes or no. I can only say that I won't end up in a hospital or do long term damage to my body by doing this.

"Are you detoxing?"

No. This has absolutely nothing to do with detoxing or cleansing. I'm still eating but just not in the traditional sense.

"You know, your body will just get used to it and you'll just stay the way you are." and "C'mon have just one dumpling. It'll be okay. Cheating never hurt anyone"

Now these kinds of comment REALLY PISS ME OFF...

It specifically reminded me of this article:

Toxic People by Chris Shugart

I got an interesting PM (private message) from someone already trying the Velocity Diet. While the diet was going well, the PM'er was being called "crazy" and "stupid" by his family for doing it.

Only in America.

It's funny that a person who eats rancid fat (fried food), drinks sugar (colas) and doesn't move off the fucking couch (the average person) is "normal," but a person who eats healthy and trains is "stupid." I know the Velocity Diet is extreme, but I'd pit its nutritional worth against the typical fat American's diet any day of the week. Believe it.

Anyway, it reminded me of something I wrote a while back for T-Nation that hasn't been published. I think these people in the PMer's life could be toxic. Maybe not, they could just be ignorant. What do I mean by toxic? Here's the article excerpt:

The Saboteur

The concept of "toxic people" was popularized by Lillian Glass, PH.D. in her book by the same name. A toxic person is basically anyone who cuts you down, holds you back, makes you experience negative emotions, and general makes you miserable. They may do this on purpose or they could just have "issues" of their own which adversely impact you just because you're around them. A toxic person can be a co-worker, a family member or, sadly, a girlfriend or spouse.

In Glass's book, she outlines 30 different types of toxic people including The Mental Case, The Fanatic, The Accusing Critic, The Instigator, The Opportunistic User and the Smiling Two-Faced Backstabber. After reading the book, I came up with a couple of my own related to diet and fitness. My favorite (or least favorite actually) is The Saboteur.

The Saboteur seems to be out to ruin your diet and/or training program. The Saboteur can do this overtly or covertly, and through physical or emotional manipulations. Let's go through some examples:

* A co-worker who knows you're dieting keeps offering you junk food. This person could even go as far as coming into your office and handing you a doughnut.

* Your spouse tries to talk you out of going to the gym or makes you feel guilty for going: "You can go later. Stay with me." "Why can't you spend time with me and the kids instead of running off to the gym?" "We're strapped for cash and you drop $60 a month on a stupid gym membership?" "Are you seeing someone at the gym?"

* A family member cooks your favorite cheat food or encourages you to cheat on your diet. "Oh come on, a couple of slices of pizza aren't going to hurt." (While it's true that a little pizza won't hurt you much, it's the pattern of this type of behavior you have to watch out for. Ask yourself: Is this person doing this to me on a daily basis?)

* A friend drops seemingly casual but negative comments about your goals. "Yeah, you've lost some weight, but you ain't exactly Brad Pitt, bro!" "Yeah, you're getting big, but all that muscle will just turn to fat when you get older." (Note: There's no such thing as a "casual" negative comment. Watch for these and keep an eye on the person doing it.)

* Your training partner is always trying to hold you back or talk you into quitting early. He may show up late, talk too much between sets or make negative comments about your strength. Maybe he's just a crappy training partner, but he could also be purposefully poisoning your efforts in the gym.

As you can see, The Saboteur is usually not a recognized "enemy," but a person close to you. Co-workers can be notoriously toxic, but I'd say The Saboteur is most often a loved one!

Okay, so why do they do it? Keep in mind that The Saboteur may be doing this consciously or unconsciously. It's done out of hatred or competition sometimes, but it can also be done out of fear. Example: Dana sees her boyfriend getting more muscular. His body is looking great. She's afraid he'll leave her for a better looking girl, so she tries to sabotage his progress in order to "keep him."

By the way, the most extreme example of this I've ever seen was with a married couple. The husband was insanely jealous. His method of controlling his wife and keeping other men from paying attention to her was to keep her pregnant. After all, a pregnant woman was less desirable to other men. Her being pregnant also displayed his ownership. (Yes, he had major issues and I feel sorry for his four kids.)

Along with fear, the most obvious motivating factor for The Saboteur is jealousy. Let's look at the co-worker example. She sees your body changing because of your discipline and hard work. She's failed at fat loss many times in the past and she's jealous of your achievements. Her sabotaging may take the form of nasty comments, tempting you with bad foods, or spreading rumors that you're "on something." She does it to make herself feel better.

Nothing pisses off these types of people more than seeing you succeed!

Another reason for this type of behavior actually doesn't have much to do with you. Glass refers to this type of toxic person as The Self-Destroyer. If you have dreams and goals for financial success or for a great body, avoid the Self-Destroyer at all costs.

This is the type of person who's hell-bent on making the worst possible choices for himself. These unstable and often out-of-control people seem to be doing everything possible to destroy themselves out of a sense of self-loathing. They may do it with food, alcohol, drugs, money, sex, stupid risks, or by getting involved with other nasty people (a self-destructive woman may get involved with a string of physically abusive boyfriends for example.)

The Self-Destroyer isn't really out to sabotage you personally, but just being associated with this type of person will thwart your efforts. A common example of this is the guy who gets involved with the beautiful but self-destructive girl. Maybe he's trying to "rescue" her or maybe she has him dancing on a string like a puppet because of what's between her legs, but ultimately he quits training and wrecks his diet because of her.

The best advice? Run. Run like the wind from self-destructive people or they'll take you down with them.

A quick note: Sometimes the so-called Saboteur is doing the right thing. Example: The anorexic who weighs 97 pounds and whose hair is falling out because of malnutrition, will often attack those trying to get her to eat. In her mind, they're just trying to sabotage her. Another example: The 17 year steroid user is convinced other people are just jealous because they tell him not to be juicing at his age.

So, you have to be careful when labeling someone a Saboteur. You just might be the one in the wrong.

The lesson here is to be aware and on the lookout for The Saboteur. Just recognizing The Saboteur will keep you from becoming his or her victim. A co-worker can often be ignored, but you'll eventually need to confront a close friend, girlfriend or family member if their behavior continues. You can do this with humor or with anger, but I suggest a straightforward approach:

"Why do you always try to keep me from going to the gym? Why do you offer me cookies when you know I'm on a diet?"

If this is a spouse or girlfriend, try to get her involved. This will make you more of a team instead of being opponents. If she's a hopelessly self-destructive Saboteur, kick that bitch to the curb.

Day 7 WAKE UP!

Dan Henderson is a TANK! Silva is the Michael Jordan of MMA.

Solid meal day.

Scale weight is 177.6lbs

This is the lowest I have ever weighed....ever. Actually I think I weighed this much 6-7 years ago. But that was when I took a week off of weight training and was partying/vacationing in Cuba. So that doesn't count.

You can attribute about 3lbs of my weight to water loss.

TODAY IS SOLID MEAL DAY! Even though I write in Caps lock I am not as excited as I should be....could I be getting used to this diet?

After watching the UFC yesterday I remembered why the hell I'm doing this CRAZY experiment.

These guys that are fighting are in my opinion the most athletic and physically fit human beings on the planet. But they didn't get that way by sitting on their ass and eating potato chips.

What they do is 10x harder than what I am trying right now. They train 4-5 months for one fight. During that training their nutrition has to be exact and on point for the full 4-5 months. I'm only doing this for 22 more days.

Their dedication to themselves and training is unparalleled and it stays that way for almost half a year. I'm only going hardcore training for 1/12 months. These guys are my heroes.


End of day post

It's gettin late so I'm going to make this quick.

The challenge wasn't so much of a challenge after all. Beer was abundant. The one thing I didn't expect was that when the chips came around I didn't crave them a bit. Now I'm a huge sucker for chips. I mean huge. But no shakies, no mental breakdowns, just nothing.

The bad thing is that every one of my friends knows what I'm doing now. So instead of being accountable to a handful of people, I'm now accountable to all of my close friends. Now I REALLY can't screw around.

Peer pressure can be a positive thing if used in the right way...

Solid meal day tomorrow. I'm not really craving for it too much but I definitely think it's going to keep me on track.

The one thing I have to get on top of is my NEPA (non exercise related physical activity). Parking farther is not a problem. Going on half an hour walks for 5 days a week seems boring a redundant. But if I want to follow this program exactly as it is outlined I must be agreeable with the plan.

Tomorrow should be my best day so far.


Saturday, March 1, 2008


I'm not going to lie: I get cravings.

I just did a nutritional assessment with a new client today and just talking about food sent off signals in my brain and my stomach.

We were talking about good foods like salmon, chicken and veggies my mouth started to water, stomach started to rumble.

Right after my client I had to make myself a shake immediately. It was feeding time. The funny thing is I'm not even craving junk. I just want the good stuff.

Solid meal day is tomorrow. I have to keep out of my own mind until then. I can wait. My first assessment is tomorrow too. I will have the numbers available.



Feeling goooood.

Pretty satiated and am on my third shake of the day. Today was training day so I was curious to see how I would respond. Would it be like the last days where I had challenges with cravings and energy?


I am finally getting the proper amount of calories in my shakes and I have no breakdowns of note so far.

Big challenge still up tonight but I'm sure I'm gonna be fine. Keep you posted.


Day 6 WAKE UP!

My inspiration part 2

Yesterday was good. Today the weight stayed stable. Phew...

For the beginning part of this diet I had decided to stay away from all forms of food or anything that could possibly entice me to break my diet.

Today will be the first big test of my will.

UFC Eighty something will be on today and I will be surrounded by beer, bad food and quite possibly a TON of peer pressure. They say that your will gets stronger like a muscle every time you use it.

What can I do to counteract the bad food and booze? I'm bringing a shake with me. I don't mind being the social outcast when it comes to finishing what I start and hitting my goals.