So today was the first day of my transition back into foods. A lot of interesting things have come up.
- I had to stop myself from eating more after my first meal. I'm being careful about not binging and eating more than I should. I want this transition to further instill those healthy eating habits I have worked so hard to achieve.
- It seemed like I was cheating when eating my meal. I have to get used to this eating thing again.
- I did intervals for cardio and I was flying. I ran faster than ever before. Crazy.
Overall I know I still have to watch myself during the transition phase. It's only 14 days but I want to strengthen my great eating habits. I gotta focus.
So I started my day of training a day earlier due to client obligations and my Montreal trip in two weeks.
So here is what I did:
8 sets/3 reps/30 seconds rest
1. Chin ups - Bodyweight
- I don't know why but these were friggin tough. I did a 1.5 second contraction at the top of the lift but I still thought that I could at least stack on some weight. Alas I sucked at this one. I'll get better.
2. Power cleans - 90/90/90/100/100/110/110/110
- I just love this exercise. I want to get up to cleaning 130 pounds if not more before the transition is done.
3. Push and Presses - 90/90/100/100/110/110/110/110
- I knocked my chin on this one in the initial set, which caused my teeth to clang together. It was so hard I thought I knocked a tooth out. Everything is all there though. I just like to whine.
4. Side planks - 2 sets/90 seconds each
So the exercise program just gets harder. Not only harder but it is longer as well. I do these in straight sets with limited rest. I was driving home in a daze. I think the low reps boost my testosterone levels higher. Either that or I just get pissed off easily.
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