Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 20

It sounds ridiculous but I'm not satisfied yet.

I have lost an incredible amount of weight but that doesn't matter to me. The reason I did this whole diet was to get incredible abs and I don't feel that I have that yet.

After this journey is done I still have more work to do. People ask me if I would do it again and my response is YES.

I would have done things a little differently but all in all I am pretty psyched by how good and quick the results came. I still have one more week to go so I expect to see better results. Even after this week is done I have a two week transition into solid foods. I'll post my plan on Monday.

After that two week transition I have a couple options available to me. My gut is telling me to start a mass building program. Not in terms of dieting but in terms of my workouts. Maybe I'll do another high intensity fat burning program.

I just bought Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn 2 program so maybe I'll do that after. Who knows?

I'll figure it out when I get there ;)


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