Sunday, March 2, 2008

To those new to this Blog - An outlined plan

Okay so here is a quick recap of what I'm doing:

I'm using Chris Shugart's rapid fat loss V-Diet plan.

It requires me to:

- Eat ONLY ONE meal a week

- 3 days strength training using a Chad Waterbury inspired full body workout

- 5 days of NEPA (Non exercise related physical activity) which is walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes. I will substitute doing light basketball shooting drills for my NEPA on Monday's because walking is boring to me.

- Drink 5 (6 on weight training days) high quality protein shakes a day. Spread apart every 3 hours.

- Take in 21 or more grams of fibre through pills and flax seeds

- Taking in other vitamins such as Essential fatty acids, multivitamins

- Use a fat mobilizer/fat burner called Hot Rox in the morning and 6 hours later

- Drink lots of water

- Essentially go on a caloric deficit so the equation is as goes:

(10.2 X bodyweight +879) X .50 = Non training day calories
(10.2 X bodyweight +879) X .60 = Training day calories

So I'm going on 1400 calories on normal days. 1700 calories on weight training days.

I am on day 8 of my 28 day journey. I will be posting on this blog regularly to post observations while being on this liquid diet.

Reasons for doing this:

1) To look leaner than I ever have been ever in my life and achieve rock hard six pack abdominals for the first time ever
2) To experiment and see how my body/mind/spirit reacts to this diet and if it is a diet I would recommend
3) To break my bad dietary habits forever (sweet tooth, alcohol consumption, salty foods)
4) To challenge myself mentally and physically in a way I have never done before.

I would recommend that you read this blog from the very beginning and work your way from there. There is a lot of physical and psychological things I am going through that you have probably encountered in the past but you have just not known about it.

If you are really sadistic you can hear me whine, bitch and complain about how tough this diet is.

Good luck to me but really: Luck has nothing to do with it.


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