Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Transition Day 3 - So sore and my next 4 month diet/exercise plan

Alright I kinda like this feeling.

Have you ever worked out so hard that you felt that you couldn't get out of bed because your muscles were tight. Yeah that's how I felt getting out of bed.

My weight is surprisingly staying stable at 169 lbs in the morning. I would have thought water would have come back due to introducing carbs back into the system. I'm not complaining.

My internet and satellite were down last night so I had a lot of time on my hands. So I decided to plan out my next 4 months of diet/exercise because I'm cool like that.

So here is the plan for my next 4 months:

March 23rd - April 4th

Transitioning back into solid foods. Keeping within 1500 - 1700 calories.

Doing Chad Waterbury inspired workouts that were blogged about earlier.

April 7th to April 21st (Around the time I hit UFC Montreal)

Going to be going within 1300 - 1600 calories based on solid foods and protein shakes.

Using Christian Thibideaus Next Level Training bodybuilding program

April 28th to July 14th (Right before I hit Calgary for the stampede)

I'm going to do Alwyn Cosgrove's 12 week Afterburn 2 fat loss program. I will probably still be using the 1300 calorie to 1600 calorie fat loss equation but have not decided yet.

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