So I was doing Arms day in Next Level Training and the first workout required me to do medium close grip benches on what was supposed to be a supported squat rack.
At the end of every lift my bar was supposed to hit the support so I can lift it back up.
See the problem here was that the bar was not held intact by pins that were supposed to be there. What consequently happened was that one bar fell off the support and 180Lbs of iron came crashing down on my face.
Fun stuff I tell ya.
The one thing I am appreciative of is the face that my teeth are still intact and loose. And that is lesson number one. I could have bitched and moaned about the supports until my face got red and the cows came home. But I didn't. The first thing I did was check my teeth and actually thank God that they were still there.
Lesson #2 was that I could have been a complete asshole about the rack not being supported properly but I didn't. I told the manager of the situation calmly and we looked or a solution so I could keep going on with my workout. And we did. We cut some coat hangers and placed them in where the pins where supposed to be and I finished.
That leads us to lesson #3. I was scared shitless to go back on that squat rack to finish off my set. I don't know if it is stupidity or just a strong will but I refused to stop my workout even though I was bleeding from the mouth. But I found a solution to keep on following through with my workout and I followed through.
Things will derail us in the blink of an eye. Sometimes you can't follow through and that is nothing to be ashamed about. But if you keep your head clear and always have the mentality to finish off what you start, you will find ways to keep on going.
Shit happens. You can either deal with it or let it deal with you.
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