Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here we go again...

My first day on the Velocity Diet is tomorrow and I'm as ready as can be. I'm taking the preparation and the whole experience rather non chalantly this time around.

Am I really prepared for 28 days straight of going on a strict protein fast? I think the shine has worn off as this is the 3rd time around this this journey. The last time seemed the hardest. I'm sure this time will have it's ups and downs. My main goal coming out of this diet is to do am actual photo shoot tanned ripped body and all. I wanna get some really fantastic after pictures and do some "modelling".

I'm kinda glad you are reading this. You are definitely going to help me stay on track as I know I can't mess up because people are watching.

This is going to be the unedited unscripted unboring blog of my velocity diet plan.

Oh yeah btw the way....I so totally stuffed myself with things I don't normally eat. Total slob today. Yah I admit. For real I'm gonna do 28 days of non food hell. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

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