Monday, March 15, 2010

V Diet Day 1

Okay so heeeerrrreee we go. If you are looking for an idea of what I am doing please refer to this post I did 2 years ago:

Velocity Diet <---click here

I didn't get much sleep last night due to a nagging lower back soreness on my right side. I gotta start stretching and massaging before I go to sleep. If I am going to be successful on this diet I know that there are a number of factors involved:

1. I gotta have my "meals" planned out and organized at least the day before.

I have packed all the vitamins and EFA's in 28 little baggies to make sure I always have them on hand. I wash my cups and fill them up with the right amounts of protein the night before so I'm not scrambling to make them in the morning.

Planning is key. If you don't plan you will fly by the seat of your pants...and end up cheating on your plan.

2. I gotta know what I'm doing this for. I gotta have reasons.

Jim Rohn says that the reason people don't achieve their goals is because they don't have enough reasons to achieve them. My reasons for doing this (my deep down internal reasons) is to take off my shirt at the beach and be confident in my body.

I have EXTREMELY high standards for how I want my body to look like. This is because in the past I was not confident in my body until I changed it. This is also because I'm a freaking fitness expert. If I don't have high standards for my own body I might as well drop this profession and do something I don't love to do.

3. Set high goals.

I have also set a high goal of doing a modeling shoot at the end of this transformation. I want pictures where I look really ripped so I can use them for my "after pictures". You need a goal that motivates you. Not one that is "ho hum" and uninspiring. Shoot for the stars and you'll end up on the clouds.

Example: I would go through a wall using my head to get a round the world catamaran trip. That trip would motivate me. Let's say I make it a goal to take a trip to Ohio. Ummm....yeah...I would probably not give a damn. Unmotivating.

4. When you don't hit a goal work on a goal even bigger than the first one

When you don't hit a goal the automatic responses are either to A) give up or B) set the same damn goal you set before.

Now if you do "A" then you have given up. Not good. Persistence is one main trait you need to get to where you want to go.

Now if you do "B" then you are setting yourself up to fall short again. Why? Because of #3 we talked about above. It's just not motivating enough to try and hit the same goal.

What's more motivating is to set an even higher goal that is almost seemingly unattainable. This gets your ass motivated to get back on the saddle and work harder than ever towards it.

5. Get your adequate amount of sleep. 8 hours to be safe

This is IMPORTANT when cutting calories for fat loss. Calories = energy. If you cut your portion sizes you will be taking in less calories. This ends up making you feel a little more tired then usual. That's why you need more sleep. Don't skimp out on this or you will feel it in the morning and become the crankiest yanker on the planet.

6. Give yourself 6 weeks of no alcohol and sugar.

Now there is a way you can "Cheat Your Way Thin" and I will be touching on this in a future blog post. But for now stay away from any and all alcoholic beverages and sugary snacks/foods.

Alcohol literally sets your fat loss back at least 3 days and consuming sugar puts a stop to your fat loss until you exercise and burn it out.

If your goal is to look fabulous for the summer then you give yourself 6 weeks to eat a "clean" diet. All it really takes is 6 weeks of concentrated effort to change your body. Alcohol and sugars can wait.

I wanna thank you again for reading this blog. You are my support to keep myself in check through this 28 days.

I want you to give yourself 6 weeks to get your body ready for the summer. Stay focused on your goals and persevere through the hard times.

Wishing you nothing but the best,


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