Thursday, February 28, 2008

V-Diet - What this is all about

The Velocity Diet
A Radical Experiment in Rapid Fat Loss

Do the Opposite

I see fat people. Everywhere I look, gluttony, excess and sluggishness. We are a nation suffocating from body fat. It makes me sick.

Fat has become the norm. Look around. "Normal" people are largely unhappy, overweight and unsuccessful. Screw. That. The last thing I want to be is average, especially if "average" means being obese.

Successful people make a habit of doing the opposite. If normal people don't lift weights, then do the opposite and lift weights. If normal people don't take risks, then take risks. If they're afraid to say certain things, then scream those things at the top of your lungs. And finally, if normal people are fat, rise above and be lean.

Bring the Pain

I know what it's like to be really fat. After being a chubby kid most of my life, I got downright rotund in college. I got sick of it and dropped the weight with a stupid plan consisting of starvation and running. By the time I was done I weighed a puny 159 pounds. I started lifting weights and learned how to eat properly. I even tried steroids once to see what that was like. Now it's 13 years later and I've learned enough and experienced enough to make a living in the body business.

But one thing has always evaded me: a state of extreme leanness combined with decent muscularity. Sure, I got up to the 230's when on steroids, but I was far from shredded. And sure, I was "thin" when I weighed 159 but I didn't have an ounce of muscle on me. I wasn't hard. These days I keep it around 200 with a decent muscular base. I'm not fat, but I'm not ripped to the bone either.

That's about to change...

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