Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 5 WAKE UP!

The inspiration behind the madness

Took 2 Hot Rox (Fat mobilizer) when I woke up but I will take only one (instead of 2 like last time) 6 hours after. Feeling a little jittery but nothing like last morning. I think the combination with the green tea I took right after was too much. I'm going to wait 3 hours until my green tea. Can't go without a green tea. I'm addicted.

I am up 1lb point 8 since yesterday. I'm kinda relieved because the weight loss was getting a little too rapid for me. I want abs but I don't want to lose too much in a short amount of time that my body wouldn't get used to it.

The weight gain I can attribute to taking in more calories than usual yesterday. Calories that I desperately needed when I train that I wasn't getting before.

Now as for the "Morning Mirror Test"...

Despite gaining a pound it looks like my body is actually losing more fat since yesterday. Either that or gaining more muscle. Probably both. The workout I did was friggin hard.

This is what I did:

4 reps/3 circuits/30 seconds rest inbetween sets

Dumbbell Lunge w/Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Hang cleans
Dumbbell Rows

Close Grib Barbell press
Standing Barbell Curl (I normally do not do biceps but I am following the diet and workout program exactly as it is outlined so I have no excuses)
Frontal Squats

Planks - 2 sets@90 seconds each

My workouts usually last a little longer so I was surprised and THANKFUL that they only lasted about 45 minutes. Then again I don't want to experience a crash like I did previously.

I got 2 clients today (one from yesterday that I had to cancel or pass out on). Usually on non training days I am perfect. So we'll see whats up.

I'm also getting a haircut so I should drop another pound or two. Har har har...I keed I keed.


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