Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nighttime post

This is getting a little redundant but so far so good. I'm not starving, I'm actually satiated and I'm staying away from the home cooked meals.

Things I have observed

- Eating takes up a lot of my time. I feel like I have a lot of free time now that I don't have to prepare and eat food. 5 minutes to make a shake and 10 minutes to down it.

- We usually eat when we are bored. Boredom leads to snacking which leads to extra calories when you don't really need them. Our automatic response when we are not doing something is to grab the first thing around us that is edible and scarf it down.


"Bada Ba pa paaaa.....I'm lovin it."

I realized why the greater portion of our society is overweight! There is a food commercial every single time I turn on the TV. It's like a constant blatant attack on our subconscious minds to eat at the Mcdonalds, The Keg, Applebees, Farmers choice etc...

Every single channel I turn to there will always be a commercial of some sort about food. Crazy. Now I'm not putting the blame on the companies for the current obesity epidemic but they are a HUGE PART of the problem. It's like legal hypnotic advertising.

That is one of my realizations of the day.

I will start to update this blog only once every day. So for the two people who are actually reading this blog don't be surprised if I don't post during the day.


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