Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Midday update

So I'm still feeling good. Around this time yesterday I was literally shaking in agony trying to prepare my shake after a bout with the grocery store and the bakery.

I'm thinking that that my fibre intake was low at that point and I may need to take my flax seeds a little earlier to avoid the shakies from happening again. Right now I'm feeling GREAT.

I'm kinda looking ahead to the weekend right now. Two big challenges lie ahead:

I'm going to a Shuffle party (a club where they mix todays hot music with yesterdays hits) on Friday and usually I would partake in a few drinks but I'm going cold sober drinking only water.

On Saturday I am watching the UFC fight at my friends house. Usually at his house is where my nutrition breaks down with all the food and beer that is lying around. It will be a test of my will so I'm bringing a shake with me to avoid breaking down.

At least I have my weekly meal to look forward to on Sunday.

I am quite literally on a liquid diet but I really feel satiated and full due to the protein shakes and fibre. I know it is only the 3rd day of doing this and everyone is a champ on the 3rd day of a cutting diet but I'm not suffering. Again I have to remember that this only the beginning of my journey. I expect more challenges in the future. Regardless I know I'll be able to finish it off and reap the rewards.


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